Reflect on Your Workday
Well@Work Tip:
Know your needs.
Consider what your ideal workday would entail:
How would you #feel during the day?
💼 What tasks would you be engaged in?
💻 Use this reflection to set goals 🥅 for improvement.
Take stock of your mental health.
At Peak Mind, our commitment to holistic well-being extends to integrating biofeedback loops into an easy and effective stress management set of tools. With our software 💻 and 🏝️VR biowearable integration, my company first measure stress levels, then remediate the stress cycle, and finally validate that user biometrics have been lowered to homeostasis through these 150 action steps.
The goal of understanding 150 ways your team might be stressed is to give you awareness when you start to see a teammate drifting away or changing temperament. Realistically we may all struggle with a handful of these issues in a given season of life/work. We likely will not struggle with all of them in the same time period. The better we are as humans in understanding what is causing us stress in these times, the better we will be to speak with others about it and to do something to change it so the stress levels can subside. Otherwise, chronic stress will continue to negatively affect us all.
Here are a couple ways to encourage your employees to consider their emotional needs while at work:
Say “Thank You!”
Did you know this stat: 70% of employees say that motivation and morale would improve massively with managers saying “thank you” more (S7 Quotes in the book ‘Be Well at Work’ written by our founder). At the core of every human being, people want to be seen, heard, and valued. Having someone show you gratitude implies that they “see” you for who you are and what you can and did accomplish. This causes us to express feelings of dopamine and oxytocin, the feel-good hormones! And in return, makes us feel happy. And the cycle has a better chance of living on from here.
Build Genuine Relationships
Retaining talent isn't just about offering competitive salaries or benefits; it's about recognizing the fundamental human need to be seen, heard, and valued. While turnover can result from various factors, including organizational changes and economic downturns, the key to retention lies in understanding and engaging each individual on a personal level. This requires a genuine investment in relationship-building and a willingness to adapt management strategies to meet the diverse needs of employees.
Email us for a worksheet
Print our version of the Ikigai and guide them through the feelings of how they wish to be seen, heard, and valued. Work to make them feel included by acknowledging what they wish to be seen, heard and valued for. Join us today in empowering employees to thrive!
We wish you well on your journey to well-being.
Be well and #LetsPeak!