Peak Mind by Alicia Mckoy
Order Peak Mind Founders books today!
The books by our Founder, Alicia E. Mckoy, reveals simple evidence based exercises and worksheets to lift the mental fog, declutter the mind, and strengthen the focus of your teams. Get your copy today! Then buy a dozen for all your Leaders!
Our employees are tuned out! They are burnt-out!
They don’t feel safe.
They feel unsupported.
The root causes are complex, yet simple. The book ‘Be Well @ Work’ combines years worth of research and employee surveys into 150 practical action steps to take today. It makes the complex challenges simple. Start with 5-minutes today to improve the happiness and overall well-being of your teams, and yourself!
If you do not take time today to lower the stress curve (Allostatic Load) of your teams, the circus will only get worse. This is your circus and these are your monkeys, get a handle on your workplace today.
#LetsPeak #PeakAtWork #BeWellAtWork #APA #KnowledgeIsPower #Stress-relief
Book recommendation!
In this book, our Founder and book author @AliciaMckoy emphasizes the importance of creating a healthy work environment by promoting #MentalWellBeing, #SelfDiscovery, and personal #Growth. Recommend actions such as fostering a #CultureOfCare and support, providing #MentalBreaks, and actively engaging with employees.
The book was rated #3 in Business Health & Stress category in 2023!
Buy your copies today off Amazon: (or call us for bulk orders at a discount)
'Be Well at Work' book link.
Peak Mind founder showcasing her latest book 'Creating a New Culture for Your Workplace.'
*This is not the neuroscientist, Amishi P. Jha, PhD book that is labeled the same as our company name: Peak Mind Inc. There is no relationship. Life circumstances aligned and our two Founders thought alike, go figure!